We’ve been told, “you always have a choice”. I’d like to think I always have a choice. I even believe I make choices. Sitting with the thought that we don’t have “free will”.
Fatalists describe a predetermined reality already written by the hand of an entity greater than us. Reality has been decided for us and we’re all living out this tragic play. Our limited ability to make a choice at any moment is predicated on preconceived ideas, hormones, genetic imprints, blood sugar level, sleep, neurotransmitters, socio-economic-cultural factors… an unlimited and eternal list of influences.
Yoga and Choice
My practice of Vi-yoga, discernment of ideas, past actions, current views, and future goals for their validity and usefulness seems to expand the field of choice. The yoga practice of Sam-yoga, growing awareness of interrelatedness, allows me to connect the reality of my inability to choose at any moment the thoughts, words, and actions that may not be or have not been toward my highest goal or represent my highest self. This practice of yoga most importantly allows me and to forgive and have compassion for myself.